
Get help with an item that hasn't arrived

If the estimated delivery date for your order has passed and your item hasn't arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn't receive it.

Check if your item is on its way

If your item hasn't arrived, you can track your order in Orders. You can check the expected delivery date, the address it's being shipped to, and the latest tracking updates.

Report that your item hasn't arrived

The seller is the best person to help if the delivery date has passed and your item hasn't arrived. You can ask for an order update, a replacement, or a refund back to your original payment method. Most sellers respond within 3 business days.

To be eligible for buyer protections, you need to report the item hasn't arrived within 30 calendar days after the delivery date, so get in touch with the seller as soon as you can. Refunds are typically available within 3-5 business days.

Ask Tausify to step in and help

We think it's fair to give sellers 3 business days to make things right. After that, you can ask us to step in.

We automatically close the request if there's been no activity and it's been more than 21 business days since you opened it.

If your order arrives after you've reported it

If your item arrives, you can close your request. This lets the seller know that the issue is resolved.

If there's a problem with the item or you want to return it, you'll need to close your item not received request, and open a return request instead.

If you've already received a refund, get in touch with the seller about what to do next. For example, you could:

  • Send the item back and keep the refund
  • Keep the item and arrange to reimburse the seller

Still have questions?

If you still have a question, you can submit a support request here.   Contact Support

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